Event & Ticket Info

How you can attend The Starties

Event & Ticket Info

How you can attend The Starties

Event & Ticket Info

How you can attend The Starties

Event Details

The Starties, in partnership with NEXT.io, will be held on March 12, 2025 in conjunction with the NEXT NYC Summit.

March 12

8:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Libations | Performance | Connection

New York

NEXT.io Summit New York

Convene | 225 Liberty Street


Invite Only. 100 people.

The Host

The Starties will feature a celebrity host, who will be announced soon. We promise you won't want to miss it!


8:00pm: Cocktails & mingling
9:00pm: Award winners announced
10:00pm: Networking & vibes

Attend The Starties!

There are a limited number of General Admission tickets due to venue capacity constraints.

If you want to attend, submit your interest here. The form will close on February 14, and we will reach out the week of February 17 with ticket allocations.

Do you already plan to
be in NYC on March 12?

Are you attending
the NEXT NYC Summit?

Answers to the Qs

How big is the event?
Does my NEXT NYC Summit ticket get me access to The Starties?
How much are tickets?
How do I get tickets?
How do I get a discount on my NEXT NYC Summit ticket?

Answers to the Qs

How big is the event?
Does my NEXT NYC Summit ticket get me access to The Starties?
How much are tickets?
How do I get tickets?
How do I get a discount on my NEXT NYC Summit ticket?

Answers to the Qs

How big is the event?
Does my NEXT NYC Summit ticket get me access to The Starties?
How much are tickets?
How do I get tickets?
How do I get a discount on my NEXT NYC Summit ticket?